What could be more American than candy corn? Try maple pecan popcorn treats, for starters. They're made with three ingredients-maple syrup, pecans, and...
French toast is a very different thing when made with fresh, buttery, eggy brioche-Southern-inspired buttered pecans and bourbon maple syrup take it over...
Layered with a rich coconut filling, soaked in velvety custard, and topped with a vibrant fuchsia raspberry and rhubarb compote, this French toast is perfect...
Protein-packed, fermented tempeh is thinly sliced and infused with a marinade of soy sauce, smoked paprika, and rich maple syrup to mimic the smoky-sweet...
This chocolate and pumpkin mashup is surprising yet delicious. It's so good that you don't have to brûlée the top,though that effect surely makes the...